My thanks to all who attended and contributed to my flood-delayed “goodbye” potluck party at Steele Chapel on Tuesday evening, September 6th on Pastor Duane’s “watch” and with Duane and Amy in attendance. I SO appreciated that the choir asked us to gather that evening in the sanctuary before dinner so that they could sing the lovely piece which they had planned for me on the Sunday of the hurricane (my last Sunday) when we had to cancel worship due to the weather. I was pleased that Lynn Bujnak, our Vermont UCC Conference Minister was able to attend that evening and that my partner Carol was able to accompany me. There was great food to share, a beautifully decorated cake, much laughter, terrific spirit, and such very thoughtful gifts including the lovely quilt, a book I’d been wanting to read (ironically about the 1927 flood and how Vermont recovered from it which was chosen for me before “Irene” arrived) and a generous “purse” of money with which to purchase art supplies to use in my retirement. THANK YOU ALL very much. We did good “interim work” together to help you prepare for your next chapter in ministry and I am honored and grateful to have been a part of it. Blessings and gratitude, Marjorie MacNeill