Scripture: John 13:1-17
Sermon: “Here is a Surprise”
We would like to see the world change, Lord. Changed so your will is done on earth as it is in heaven. And we would like to be your agents of change. We love you. We hear you. We follow the way Jesus lays out for us to be faithful. Sometimes we think if we do everything you ask you will love us more. Or maybe love us enough. We know this is wrong and we try to forget this idea. WE know your love is complete and full – we are just human and the world tells us to earn everything.
Still we want to help your world and your will be here on earth. We have your sons example of humble service. But we confess we are confused about power and force – strength and weakness. The world – that is not yours, tells us there is power when force, strength, and control is used. We are told that anger, retribution, and humiliation are the tools of a strong leader. But we see Jesus use patience, forgiveness, and love. His tools seem to be humility, guidance and tolerance. We become confused living in two worlds.
Teach us the way to lead for you and how to lead with you. Teach us to follow a leader who leads as you do – to not care if they use your name or not; look like us, use our language, our metaphors. Your world will arrive by many hands.