Scripture was John 18: 1-27
Sermon title: Confession and Testimony
The prayer:
Sometimes Lord, we are like Moses – unsure what words to use. Give us hope that you will supply our words, even as you did for Moses. We do not know what to say when friends surprise us us with a certain side of a political issue or when colleagues express ideas we thought were discredited and dead. Help us to find words when people tell jokes that are or should be offensive. Silence isn’t good and speaking doesn’t seem to do any good. We need you wisdom.
Lord, we need your wisdom too when others find a way to suggest they can NOT agree with us on a political issue, idea or joke. Remind us that sometimes we are wrong. Do not let our hearts be hardened- holding onto something well passed the point that is good – or even understandable to have. Prepare us to be wrong. Again. We need your wisdom.
And God, we want to know what to say to comfort the grieving, encourage the diagnosed, or lesson the pain of tragedy. We care more than standard platitudes express. We need your wisdom.
Send our love and what words we have to those who grieve, struggle with healing, or a diagnoses.
We also want the right words when we come to you in prayer. Whether it is the heights of praise for creation, the depths of our guilt and sorrow, or the wideness of our need – we find our words lacking. We want to say more than our skill allows. Our hearts are full. Our heads are filled with words and our hearts are bursting with sighs to deep for human expression. Maybe you could ignore our heads and listen to our heart’s eloquence. We need your wisdom and to trust it.
Lord, hear our prayers.