Scripture Luke 16:10-13
Sermon: “…Under God…”
for download: 180708_0856
Lord of the sunbeam and moon glow, God of astrophysics and the Fibonacci sequence, Holy depth of our being – hear our prayers. We have gratitude, hurts, and needs. Things that we worry about for others and for our nation. Hear our Prayers. We hold them all up and turn to you. Not as our last hope but as our first love.
We hold in our prayers Chris. Again and still and more. We hold in our prayers nameless children and parents. We hold in our prayers all that is not as we see that would not be to your pleasure.
Give us the sort of trust in you that stays with us – even when our souls feel empty – when they ache with loneliness, sadness, worry, dread, and are broken by the stories of the day. Let our faith speak to us, and for us whether our souls are full or empty. Do not let our faith depend on our mood or circumstances. But let your light be so bright, so warm that we know that it is always there, even when we cannot see it or feel it.
The beauty of this day, the people in our life and the value of this congregation fill our souls. And our souls are full – sustained and maintained by your grace and love. Our souls dance and sing in praise of you. Lord, take some small portion of our full souls and take that to those who cannot sing, who cannot dance, bring some small point of pleasure to remind them that life is not always in the darkness of a cave or captivity of a pen.
Come O Holy One, and be our God: our light that calls us forward, our light that shows us the way; not only to you, but our way to live. Come, O Holy One and be our God.