Dear Members and Friends of Sharon Congregational Church,
As I write this note for the September newsletter on Labor Day Monday – publication delayed a bit because of the storm/power outages – I am at home in Shelburne VT listening to the rain and hoping that no more flooding of rivers and streams create difficulty for so many of you as you continue to recover from the powerful and heartbreaking effects of Hurricane Irene in the White River Valley. I am saddened by what I’ve both seen and heard of what you and your family/friends/neighbors are dealing with in Sharon and surrounding villages/back roads. Carole and I are keeping your congregation and community in our thoughts and prayers.
I am also, tonight, looking forward to gathering with some of you tomorrow (Sept.6th) for my “goodbye” potluck/party, which we also needed to postpone along with calling off worship on my “last Sunday” with you due to the storm. By now you have already offered a warm welcome to Rev. Dr. Duane Brown, your new pastor, and I believe that you will continue to join in partnership with him to do the church’s mission in Sharon VT as God has called you and as Jesus has given you an example. The Spirit is truly with you at Sharon Congregational UCC.
As I retire from interim ministry (for awhile, at least) I am grateful for the many ways in which we have worked together these past two years to prepare for this new chapter in the life of your congregation – and for the times that you have let me know that my ministry among you was helpful. That was my hope and my dream for us during this in-between time. You’ve been receptive, supportive, and welcoming. We’ve laughed a lot, shared deeply, learned much – and I will treasure my memories of the time we have spent together while turning over now the joys and responsibilities of being your pastor to Rev. Duane Brown.
Many blessings, Marjorie MacNeill