Sunday April 8, 2018

Scripture: John 20:19-31

Sermon “YO! Thomas”

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Yo! Still Speaking God, forgive how much we talk. It may be we fear the silence because you might speak what we do not want to hear. Forgive us when we use a lot of words because we do not know what to say or because we have do not have anything to say. Teach us how to pray.

Sometimes life seems difficult. Parents become sick and old, our kids do not always do as we would, cancer strikes, employment falters, and we just plain loose sight about why we pray. By habit we pray for healing and wholeness, stability and security, hope and faith. We pray, but we kinda assume that there will be no answer or the answer will be no. Generally we don’t hold that against you – but sometimes – sometimes we wonder if prayer matters, if you are there, if we are anything to you.

So remind us that sometimes the answer is yes and the cancer goes away or was never there – that chaos settles into order – that fears are unfounded and everything will be all right. Remind us that when we doubt, question, and need the extra effort that you will say yes – you will show your wounds and let us touch your pain.

Ah Lord.

Lord, how tenderly you are with us when we find our own way of praying the ancient prayer, “Lord, I believe, help my unbelief.” Grant that when you answer our plea that, with Thomas, we will proclaim you are our Lord and God. With Thomas, may we proclaim your gospel Good News of love unending. We praise you, because in the silence of our doubt we sense your pain and we fear it was our pain.

Ah Lord. Oh God. Hear our thanks. Hear our prayers. Amen.