Dear Members and Friends of Sharon Congregational Church UCC,
Frequently one of my many friends on Facebook will remark something like, “Well, I had the day off, so I cleaned my whole house from top to bottom, did all my laundry, and cleaned my closets too”. Doesn’t sound like much of a day off to me, but I do note a
certain satisfaction in their “status reports” about what they’ve been able to accomplish. Many of you are the sort of housekeeper, I think, who keeps up – or at least wants to keep up – with a long list of household responsibilities (weeding, dusting, canning, raking leaves, shoveling snow, mopping the kitchen floor) daily, weekly, or seasonally. I, on the other hand and like many of you, tend to get going on such tasks when company is coming.
So, as much as we keep up with many tasks at the church on a regular basis, this summer the congregation is alive with activity as many groups of parishioners have come together to get the “house” ready for your new pastor. The fellowship while working together has actually been a lot of fun and it’s been a pleasure to watch/take part as your outgoing interim pastor. 🙂 There’ll be no easing of last-minute preparations for the arrival of Pastor Duane and Amy during August and you’re all invited to join in – as well as join us for worship each Sunday morning.
My gratitude for the on-going work of the Trustees, Deacons, Council, as well as the Mission Committee/Food Shelf folks and the Christian Ed Committee. The Search Committee has stayed involved. Patty substituted for Alice in the office during July. Alice is back to work now. The Choir has continued to sing weekly. A new Fund Raising Committee has been organized and co-ordinated by Pam Brackett. Stewardship efforts will
emerge during the fall/winter.
Small groups have worked on church history displays, bulletin boards, library books (including those for children), filing, and infant KITS for Church World Service. We blessed some more prayer shawls, which involved some last-minute knitting and crocheting. Leon and his friends are doing many projects around the building. People in the community have noticed that Sharon Congregational is a lively – and alive –
place this summer.
More projects are planned for these last few weeks of summer/my interim ministry with you – all inspired by the Spirit which is calling Sharon Congregational into a brand new chapter of ministry and mission. Thanks be to God – and to all who are making this church community so faithful and hopeful these days.
Do join us for worship especially on Sunday, August 14th, which will be Church History Sunday, for my last Sunday on August 28th (with refreshments afterwards and a chance to say “goodbye”), and for Pastor Duane’s first Sunday on September 4th – and special events on the following September Sundays to welcome him and his wife Amy. Do keep us all in your prayers during this time of transition.
Many blessings as always, Pastor Marjorie