Category Archives: Newsletter excerpts

Articles from recent newsletters.

Pastor’s Note for February, 2011

Marjorie doing ASL
Pastor Marjorie

Dear Members and Friends of Sharon Congregational Church, UCC,

It continues to be a joy to walk with you during this “interim time” at Sharon Congregational Church even though the commuting from my home in Shelburne,VT, (near Burlington) has been a bit more difficult this winter than last- more changeable weather and “wicked” driving, as they say here in New England. You are a most resilient congregation with a strong sense of faith and mission. I know that you await your next long-term called pastor and that there is just the right pastor out there for you, but the calling process has taken a little longer than we had hoped and we remain in ministry together this winter/spring. Together we will use our time well to reflect on our mission and ministry as a church as well as to prepare – all the more – for the future of SCC.

I continue to be prayerful and hopeful about your future at Sharon Congregational and I appreciate of the faithful, patient work of your Pastor Search Committee as I’m sure you do as well. I appreciated your understanding and flexibility when I took a long-awaited two week Continuing Education “sabbatical”in early January, taking two classes (Theology of Small Church Ministry and Church History) at my seminary in Cambridge, MA. In February I will again be away for two weeks on vacation in Arizona where we like to soak up sunshine each winter. (After all, who wants to leave Vermont in the summer?). Your Deacons have been very helpful arranging for pastoral coverage for worship when I’m away and I am grateful.

The Lenten season and Easter are much later this year than usual – beginning with Ash Wednesday on March 9th and ending with the celebration of Easter on Sunday, April 24th. Your Deacons are already pondering topics for Lenten Wednesday evening programs as well as considering resuming Sunday evening Bible study during Lent, if not sooner. Stay tuned for a detailed schedule. Maybe, just maybe, it will actually be spring like at Easter! Or not. 🙂 In any case, the spirit of the congregation seems very positive to me. I stood in the doorway of Steele Chapel this past Sunday during coffee hour and smiled broadly at the fellowship and good cheer that was so apparent among you. 🙂

What’s new? The Prayer Shawl group which meets on Friday mornings at 10 AM at the Lighthouse has been having fun getting together while knitting or crocheting comforting shawls for others. Some new folks have joined the group and others are always welcome. Some folks who are not available to meet on Friday mornings have gotten instructions for the shawls and have been working at home on a project. We blessed several shawls before Christmas and look forward to blessings/gifting more soon.

Annual Meeting was held in mid-January with election of officers of the church and some new committee members,too. I’m especially pleased to see that a couple of new Deacons have agreed to serve, the Mission Board has become more official, and the Christian Education Board increased. Many of us are especially eager to make new, expanded,and creative plans in order to best welcome and teach the children and grandchildren of our congregation. Meanwhile several people have expressed interest in official membership at Sharon Congregational, we have plans for at least one Baptism this spring, and a wedding is scheduled for early June. Especially during Lent I would be very open to meeting with anyone who seeks these rites and sacraments of the church. Others who want to join or explore what it would mean to join? Other baptisms of children, teens, or adults? Teens who would like to attend some Confirmation classes and make a decision to join Sharon Congregational? More weddings? You may contact me thorough the church office by email.

Blessings all, Pastor Marjorie